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This workshop begins by asking participants to rethink their underlying assumptions of organizations.  It explores a board’s role, framed in a systems perspective, and identifies paths to elevate and enhance board engagement and involvement.

Based on the available time, modules can be added that address transactional issues such as planning a successful board meeting, leadership succession, and rethinking board structures


  • Enhanced understanding of the importance of boards of directors and their essential roles.

  • Strategies to advance stronger professional/board partnerships.

  • Approaches to increase board member engagement and enhance board effectiveness.



Planning and visioning provide wonderful opportunities to bring together key stakeholders; board leaders, professional staff, funders and community members, to work together to envision a bold future and identify the steps needed to get there. 

This workshop presents the approaches to exploring new visions and building strategic paths forward.  Of equal importance, the workshop delves into techniques to use visioning and strategic planning to engage and energize key stakeholders.


  • Understanding of the essential methodologies of strategic planning.

  • Approaches to engaging key stakeholders through the planning process.

  • Approaches to organizational assessment, environmental scans and visioning.

Workshops provide wonderful opportunities for professionals and volunteer leaders to build their skills, enhance their understanding of their organizations and organizational dynamics, and foster stronger collaboration in the workplace.

Each of these workshops is engaging and participatory and invites those attending to be partners in learning. Further, workshops can be customized to fit the background and experience of the participants as well as the unique challenges and opportunities of different organizations. David brings his unique style and approach to these workshops, mixing experience, insight and humor. 


Dr. Martin Seligman’s work in the field of Positive Psychology has revolutionized how we think about emotional health and wellbeing. The Positive Psychology framework can help organizational leaders understand how to create a supportive and affirming work environment. 

This workshop uses Seligman’s PERMA model to explore specific approaches to enhancing organizations’ environments, advancing the well-being of team members and, at the same time, increasing productivity.  


  • Enhanced understanding of the elements that constitute a positive work environment

  • Approaches to creating a positive and healthy work culture and environment. 

If there is one constant in successful organizations, it is change.  With thoughtful leadership, organizational change can engage and inspire staff and volunteers and elevate an organization’s culture and environment.  Conversely, change, handled incorrectly, can be frightening, dispiriting and demoralizing.

This workshop focuses on the dynamics of change, how to create organizational momentum, build change partners, avoid pushback and overcome resistance.


  • Enhanced understanding of dynamics that advance and hinder organizational change.

  • Specific techniques to successfully institute change. 


Providing timely and effective feedback to staff members and others is an essential leadership role, vital to promoting professional growth, building a strong staff team, and establishing a positive organizational culture. However, many professionals find it difficult to give feedback when a team member is underperforming or has acted in an unproductive manner.  Additionally, far too many of us give both insufficient and unhelpful positive feedback to team members. 

This workshop discusses the importance of well-given feedback and identifies specific techniques that can make feedback more clear, helpful and supportive.


  • Greater understanding of the importance and challenges of providing thoughtful feedback.

  • Specific approaches to providing feedback to recognize successes and addresses challenges.

  • Feedback as a supervisory and teaching tool.

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